Craft with your kids: Painted Flower Garden

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plastic wrap roll by jamiesrabbits ( via creative

I love to have a craft day with my two lovely daughters once every ten days as a rule. Not only do they love it, I enjoy myself thoroughly as well. Let me tell you what we crafted this week, and I can tell you we had a blast doing this one too.

We created a painted flower garden! Confused? So this is how we did it:

  1. I downloaded and printed some flower templates which I cut out for my daughters. We choose many different flower shapes and many flowers because we wanted a very full garden.
  2. Then we all choose the colors for our flowers. We wanted a very colorful garden so we choose blues, reds, yellows, greens, and even some purples and pinks.
  3. Once we choose our paint colors we dotted the flowers with little bits of paint. If you don’t want your little ones to get to messy you can add the dots to the paper flowers with plastic spoons.
  4. Now, in my opinion there are two ways to paint your flowers using the plastic wrap to keep your kids fingers from touching the paint: You can either take a sheet of plastic wrap and place it over all your flowers and then let the kids move the paint around with their fingers on top of the plastic, or you can wrap one of their fingers in plastic wrap and then let them use just that finger to mix all the paint colors together on their paper flowers.

Here’s a tip: This project can get messy so be sure to cover the area where you’ll be painting with newspapers. Also make sure to purchase an entire plastic wrap roll since a lot might be needed if you experiment with several colors for your garden.

  1. Let the paper flowers dry completely.
  2. To decorate your flowers you can cut out little round circles of felt that can be glued to the center of the flower.
  3. Use a drinking straw or craft stick to create a stem and stick at the back of the flower. You can also cut out leaf shapes out of construction paper or felt and glue them to your stick. Let all your glue dry completely.
  4. Now create your garden by placing sand, clay, or styrofoam into a shallow bucket or other container (This will help to hold up your flowers). Now “plant” your flowers into your garden by placing the sticks into the sand, clay or styrofoam. This would make a lovely Mother’s Day craft for children in schools or at home with the family!